These skills are as critical as ever, and younger clinicians and learners need them to communicate and work professionally.
Biologics have become a novel treatment in recurrent C. difficile.
This pathogen is the third most frequently isolated nontuberculous mycobacteria seen in the United States. Here is a review of how it presents and treatment options.
Advice to community physicians regarding ways to enhance patient-provider relationships and navigate barriers that impact the management of HIV infections.
Ammara Mushtaq, MD, discusses the underrepresentation of different races during the pandemic, but also the newer efforts to include and represent these communities in smaller, local studies.
The latest Bench to Bedside column reviews new guidance on the treatment of drug-susceptible and drug-resistance Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections.
Here is a review of using this therapy in this patient population.
Shortages of health care workers and an increase in COVID-19 cases has put a severe strain on the health care system. Thus, the opportunity to reduce the hospitalizations for other conditions and expand outpatient treatment opportunities should be welcomed.
Lack of data may mean bloodstream infections caused by PVCs are an overlooked cause of morbidity in hospitalized patients.
Karine G. Le Roch, PhD, discussed her research on a kalihinol analog that combats drug resistance in malaria, emphasizing the need for innovative treatments in the context of climate change and rising transmission rates.
A rare case of Pott puffy tumor occurs in an atypical patient with no risk factors, likely due to untreated sinus infection.
Part 2 with James F Cummings, MD, as he discusses the need for a stronger response to emerging variants, the importance of protecting high-risk populations, and the potential to reduce vaccine hesitancy through easier administration.
Clinicians provide an overview of intraamniotic infections and offer treatment strategies for these challenging infections.
Over half of patients admitted with positive SARS-CoV-2 testing received antibiotics, but evidence of bacterial infection is uncovered in far fewer cases. We may already be seeing the effects of antibiotic overprescribing.
The federal government is working to provide greater access to testing and treatment.
In the latest SIDP column, two clinicians provide information on recent studies and guidelines directed at antibiotic durations in this patient population.
In a study evaluating bulevirtide as monotherapy, investigators found the antiviral to be safe and tolerable following nearly a year of treatment.
Continuous antibiotic infusions show positive results and may improve outcomes for patients with severe sepsis.
Ami Patel, PhD, provides insights on both technologies and how her research center, the Wistar Institute, is involved in DNA vaccine and monoclonal antibody research.
A review of the data and circumstances that led to authorization in children ages 5 to 11 years.
Since the vancomycin guideline update, institutional leaders have been faced with the challenge of implementing and monitoring AUC-guided dosing.
"This case gives uncomfortable insight into a gap in early detection of infections in immunocompromised, high-risk patient populations. "
Lower CD4+ cell counts, HCV genotype 4, and recent injection drug use were linked to unsuccessful DAA treatment in people with HCV and HIV.
Clinicians can make room for infrequent treatment options as patients enjoy their daily lives.
A coalition of employers, the US Business Action to End HIV, sent a letter to Congress outlining the continued need for support from the federal government.
The combination of the antiviral agents islatravir and lenacapavir demonstrates both efficacy and safety, leading to advancement into Phase 3 trials.
To close the discussion, experts on C. difficile infections discuss how they talk with patients about fecal microbiota transplantation.