CDC Evidence Points to Possible Zika-Associated Miscarriages
New research has tied the Zika virus to miscarriages in Brazil.
Zika Virus Could Bring on a Rare Neurological Disorder
There's more bad news about Zika, and it can affect anyone living in or visiting areas where the virus is ongoing.
Bodily Fluid Exposure Reporting is an Issue Among OR Nurses
An alarmingly high number of blood and bodily fluid exposures go unreported by operating room (OR) nurses in Thailand.
Zika Virus: One Patient's Journey from Infection to Recovery
When a 55-year-old Massachusetts resident returned from a trip to Costa Rica, he developed clinical symptoms that all pointed to Zika.
Tuberculosis Outbreak Continues to Sicken Alabama Residents
Two more people have been verified with the tuberculosis (TB) germ in Alabama
College Officials Still Don't Know What Has Sickened 174 Students
In just about 24 hours, the number of students at Ursinus College in Collegeville, Pennsylvania experiencing an unidentified stomach illness has increased from 40 to 174.
The Zika Virus Moves North: First Case in Tennessee
On February 9, the Tennessee Department of Health verified that an individual tested positive for Zika.
As Opioid Use Increases, Cases of HIV Infection May Follow Suit
The tendency of injection drug abusers to share needles provides fertile ground for the transmission of HIV.
There's a New Bacteria Species Causing Lyme Disease
Up until now, B. burgdorferi was the only species of bacteria believed to cause the tick-borne illness.
President Obama Asks for $1.8 Billion to Fight the Zika Virus, But Says Not to Panic
President Obama states, "This is not something where people are going to die from it. It is something we have to take seriously."
The Fight Against Antibiotic-Resistant Gonorrhea is Not Over Yet
Only a few recommended options are left to treat the condition.
First MERS Autopsy Reveals the Virus' Organ Target
The findings differed from those in animal models, bringing to light new information on the virus.
CDC Issues Sex Alert to Avoid the Zika Virus
There are two options to avoid contracting the illness.
Beards May Hold the Answer to New Antibiotics
After swabbing 20 beards, more than 100 bacteria growths were identified.
Increases in Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
Many vaccine-preventable diseases persist and have increased in prevalence because of lowered immunity in the general population.
Red Cross Says No Thanks to Donors Who Traveled to Zika Infected Countries
The blood donor eligibility criteria just got a little more exclusive with the ongoing Zika virus outbreak.
Chipotle's Two E. Coli Outbreaks Are Over, But Not Before Hurting Sales
Chipotle is officially safe to dine at again.
Nine New Yorkers Test Positive for Zika Virus
The Zika virus has made its way to the East Coast as nine patients have the mosquito-borne illness.