NIH Funds First National Research Network to Focus on HIV-Infected & At-Risk Youth
October 4th 2016The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has provided funding of $24 million this year to the Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions, the first clinical research group that will focus on youth infected by HIV.
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"Trojan Horse" Strategy Uses Bispecific Antibodies to Block Ebola from Invading Cells
September 20th 2016In a collaborative effort, researchers have discovered what they refer to as a “Trojan Horse” strategy that uses two developed bispecific antibodies that have proved active against all five strains of the ebolavirus.
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Michigan Varicella Outbreak Associated with Riding a School Bus
September 16th 2016A varicella outbreak that had occurred last year in Michigan is thought to be associated with riding on a school bus, which makes small, enclosed spaces, such as a school bus, a risk factor for both transmitting and acquiring airborne diseases.
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Walgreens & HHS Provide Uninsured Americans with $10 Million Worth of Free Flu Shot Vouchers
September 15th 2016Walgreens has partnered up again with the US Department of Health in an effort to improve rates of flu vaccination by providing over $10 million in free flu shot vouchers for Americans who are uninsured.
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FDA Grants QIDP Designation to MGB-BP-3 to Treat Clostridium difficile-associated Diarrhea
September 12th 2016The FDA has granted biopharmaceutical company, MGB Biopharma’s lead candidate, MGB-BP-3, Qualified Infectious Disease Product (QIDP) designation for the treatment of Clostridium difficile-associated Diarrhea.
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Social Connectivity Can Impact Dynamics of Disease Transmission
September 12th 2016A new study has shown that infected wild house mice will disengage from their social groups, resulting in a decreased potential for disease transmission; these findings can be applied to improve models used to predict transmission of infectious diseases spread by social contact, such as Ebola and influenza.
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New Test Can Assist in Fight Against HIV
September 9th 2016A new test that can effectively estimate HIV-negative patients’ adherence to prescribed drugs to prevent the transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) during sexual intercourse has been discovered by researchers at the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at CU Anschutz.
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New Technology Can Assist in Global Fight Against HIV & Hepatitis
September 8th 2016Researchers from Nanjing Biopoint have made a breakthrough when it comes to fighting HIV through the development of a product that uses certain material when collecting blood samples that can separate the plasma from the rest of the blood, allowing the sample to be safely sent to a testing center.
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Battling HIV-associated Stigma for "A Positive Tomorrow"
September 7th 2016Tanner White, a marine who has been diagnosed with HIV is making strides in fighting HIV-associated stigma by providing the public with education on the virus through the creation of his nonprofit organization called, “A Positive Tomorrow.”
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WHO Responds to Increasing Antibiotic Resistance in Sexually Transmitted Diseases
September 5th 2016The World Health Organization (WHO) has just released new guidelines for treating chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis; three of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) due to the increased threat of antibiotic resistance.
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Hepatitis & HIV-infected Hospitalized Patients at Higher Risk for Suicide Death
August 29th 2016Researchers from the Copenhagen University Hospital of Denmark find that individuals who are hospitalized with infections have an increased risk of suicide ideation and death; individuals infected with hepatitis and HIV or AIDS have the highest risk of suicide-related death.
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HIV's Disease-producing Potential is Influenced by Two Factors
August 28th 2016A new study finds that a balance of mutations, ones that impair the immune system’s ability to detect the HIV virus, and ones that impair the virus’s ability to replicate, will influence the speed of disease progression.
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Fruit Flies May Provide Answers to How HPV-induced Cancers Work
August 25th 2016By using a fruit fly model of human papillomavirus (HPV) induced human cancer, a team of researchers from the University of Missouri hope to better understand the mechanism that allows HPV to cause cancer as well as identify therapies that can potentially treat HPV-induced cancers.
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