Grassroots Activists Provide Thousands of At-Risk Individuals in the UK with Lifesaving HIV Drugs
January 18th 2017Drug “buyers clubs” that include websites such as PrEPster and I Want PrEP Now are providing a number of at-risk individuals living in the United Kingdom with HIV drugs that can potentially save their lives.
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Microbes & Hosts Fight to Acquire Essential Metals: This Battle May Open the Door for New Treatments
January 11th 2017Elizabeth Nolan, PhD, and her team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, recently explored the fight between microbes and hosts over essential metals and how understanding this battle may open the door for alternate treatments for bacterial infections.
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What Role Does Vitamin D Play in Reducing Respiratory Infections in Older Adults?
January 10th 2017Researchers have conducted a study looking into the role that vitamin D might play in reducing the number of acute respiratory infections that are experienced by older adults residing in long-term care facilities.
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Can a Pouch the Size of a Ketchup Packet Prevent Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV?
January 5th 2017A team from Duke University’s Developing World Healthcare Technologies Lab have discovered a way to extend the lifespan of antiretroviral drugs in order to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission in developing countries.
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Will Cabotegravir be a Game-changer in HIV Prevention?
December 23rd 2016The first large-scale clinical trial of a new HIV preventive drug, cabotegravir, has been launched and researchers are looking to see if it is just as effective as Truvada, the only licensed PrEP regimen currently available.
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