UK Will Infect Young Volunteers in First Human Challenge Trial for COVID-19
The government-funded trial will seek to interpret the virus' transmissibility and infection, in order to inform vaccination and treatment strategies.
Identifying COVID-19 Therapy Candidates With Machine Learning
Study pinpoints the protein RIPK1 as a promising target for SARS-CoV-2 treatment.
Ivabradine May Treat COVID-19 Long-hauler Symptom
The study was the first randomized clinical trial using the therapy to treat POTS.
The Increasing Need for Post COVID-19 Clinics
As more people contract and recover from COVID-19, a small percentage suffer from lingering or even new symptoms for months. Post COVID clinics aim to address the causes and provide relief.
New COVID-19 Variant Detected
This new variant, B.1.525, was discovered in both the United Kingdom and Nigeria, and is now in 11 other countries including the United States.
Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Infection and the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with HIV
Outcomes of Patients Admitted to ICU With COVID-19 and Neurologic Symptoms
Evaluating the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on hospitalized patients.
COVID-19, Flu A, Flu B Combo Kit Granted EUA by FDA
The PCR diagnostic joins the company’s host of other SARS-CoV-2 research solutions.
Clostridioides Difficile Thrives in Inflamed Environment
Clostridioides difficile thrives in an environment of inflammation which found that inflammation provides nutrients for C. diff and creates an inhospitable environment for competing bacteria.
Asymptomatic COVID-19 Infection: A Review of Cases Entering China
In an effort to understand the potential burden of asymptomatic SARS-Cov-2 infections in a traveling population, a group of investigators studied those entering China.
Emerging Infectious Diseases During COVID-19
In this era of increasingly mobile and connected populations, it is possible for an infection to spread around the world in 24 to 48 hours.
Which C diff Diagnostic Test is the Most Specific?
Investigators said their paper was the first systematic review and meta-analysis of C diff infection diagnostic methods in Korea.
WHO Greenlights 2 Versions of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine for COVAX
The World Health Organization (WHO) listed the vaccine for emergency use to enable countries who do not have vaccine agreements in place to work towards vaccinating their populations.
Study: COVID-19 Variant Has Been Spreading in South, Southwest US Since October
Preprint data show a US-based variant has come to represent more than 27% and 11% of all sequenced genomes in Louisiana and New Mexico, respectively, through mid-January.
Targeting a Key Marker of Clotting and Inflammation in COVID-19 Patients
CalciMedica has developed Auxora, a calcium release-activated calcium (CRAC) channel inhibitor, and it has shown it can reduce the levels of D-dimer, a key biomarker associated with COVID-19 mortality.
Australia Receives First Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine
Case numbers trend downward in Germany as UK implements new border policies.
Why Are Nursing Homes so Afflicted by COVID-19?
A new study suggests nursing homes with more people of color are actually at three-fold greater risk of COVID-19 mortality.
Improving the Diagnosis of Intracardiac Infections
This technology is effective in cases that are difficult to diagnose.
AstraZeneca Vaccine Preprint Does Not Bode Well for COVID-19 Variant Response
New South Africa-based data show not only lessened protection versus the region's dominant variant, but a reduced vaccine-induced antibody neutralization.
Experimental Antiviral Effective at Treating and Preventing COVID-19
Detailed analysis of SARS-CoV-2 showed predominant infection of human lung epithelial cells.
Reducing Death Risk of COVID-19 With Preventative Blood Thinning Therapy
The study used electronic health record data and took account of a range of potentially influential factors.
Establishing a Successful Global Immunization Strategy Against COVID-19
Vaccination potential will not be achieved without a successful rollout plan.
CDC Provides Guidance for a Return to School for In-Person Instruction
CDC director says this is not mandatory, but is a road map and provides strategies for schools to reopen safely.
Moderna Given Greenlight to Increase Vaccine Supply in Vials
Decision comes as Biden states all Americans won’t be vaccinated by the end of summer.
Ebola Outbreak: Democratic Republic of Congo Reports 2 New Deaths
Just months removed after its last outbreak, the country is seeing the emergence of another outbreak.
Has COVID-19 Vaccine Push Overwhelmed Other Important Shots?
New CDC guidance highlights the importance of shingles vaccine, yet numbers suggest demand for it may be on decline.
Attitudes Towards Face Masks During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Do people of varying age groups look at wearing a face mask differently?
What’s New From the CLSI Subcommittee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
Predicting COVID-19 Outcomes With Lung Ultrasound
Proper assessment of the severity and extent of pulmonary involvement is of paramount importance.
School Closures May not Have Much Impact on COVID-19 Deaths
Evidence shows demographic structure and age-specific contacts play an essential role in the epidemic.